Why is everything in the Solar System spinning? And why is it mostly all spinning in the same direction?
Why is everything in the Solar System spinning? And why is it mostly all spinning in the same direction?
It can’t be a coincidence. Look down on the Earth...
Monday, August 18, 2014
• 1 horse power is 745.7 watts • 1 horse power = work equal to lifting 550 lbs of weight to one foot for one second • 1 calorie is equal to 4.2 Joules • 1 barrel is equal to 159 liters • 6 feet = 1 fathom • 1 kwh = 3.6 x 10 power 6 joules • A 100 watt bulb lights for 1 hour uses 100 watt hour of electricity • -273...
Electric charge
charge is a fundamental property like mass, length etc associated with
elementary particles for example electron, proton and many more.
Electric charge is the property responsible for electric forces which
acts between nucleus and electron to bind the atom together. Charges are of two kinds (i) negative charge (ii)...
Geometric Optics
1 Real images are always inverted. 2 Virtual images are always upright. 3 Diverging lens (concave) produce only small virtual images.
4 Light rays bend away from the normal as they gain speed and a longer
wavelength by entering a slower (n) medium {frequency remains constant}.
5 The focal length of a converging lens (convex) is shorter with...
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