Electric Field vs. Magnetic Field
The area around a magnet within which magnetic force is exerted, is
called a magnetic field. It is produced by moving electric charges. The
presence and strength of a magnetic field is denoted by “magnetic
flux lines”. The direction of the magnetic field is also indicated by
these lines. The closer the lines,...
Friday, July 31, 2015
Does a vacuum cleaner work in space?
Does a vacuum cleaner work in space?
No. First of all it wouldn't stay on the ground. and why
would you need to vacuum?
A vacuum cleaner depends on a difference in air pressure to
operate. With no air pressure in space, there could be no
difference in air...
Would a magnet work in a vacuum or space?
Would a magnet work in a vacuum or space?
Magnets work because their atoms are aligned in certain orientation so
that the magnetic field is not chaos but is organized as ripples around
the matter. Such organized electromagnetic field of any nature can exist
Would a magnetic compass be suitable to be used for space travel..?
Would a magnetic compass be suitable to be used for space travel..?
No. Magnetic compasses work based on the Earth's mantic field, in space
there is no magnetic field for the compasses to work with. A different
system, possibly similar to Global Positioning...
How compass apps can tell direction..??
How compass apps can tell direction..??
If you were to go back in history and meet with the explorers and
navigators of yesteryear, they would probably be wielding — at least one
— magnetic compass. Whip out your compass app on your smartphone, and
they’d probably be flabbergasted — well, with that and your time
machine. But how has the...
Why Magnet Is Used In Speaker ..??
Why Magnet Is Used In Speaker ..??
speakers don't use magnets. Only magnetic speakers use a magnet to
produce mechanical vibration (sound) through the interaction between the
magnetic field created by the pulsating electronic signals passing...
Thursday, July 30, 2015
The world’s most powerful laser has just been fired in Japan
Scientists in Japan have set the record for the most powerful laser
ever fired, producing a 2 petawatt pulse - that’s 2 quadrillion watts -
using a device known as the Laser for Fast Ignition Experiment (LFEX).
While they could only sustain it for a mere one-trillionth...
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