Sunday, January 19, 2014


General Knowledge

  • The first rocket to hit the Moon ---   Lunik 2
  • The first head of the Chinese Republic ---  Sun Yat Sen
  • The first person to sail around the world ---  Ferdinand Magellan
  • The first man who climbed the Everest twice ---  Nawang Gombu
  • The first prime minister of Britain ---  Sir Robert Walpole
  • The world's first man made satellite in the orbit ---  Sputnik I
  • First European to visit China ---  Marco Polo
  • The first European invader on Indian soil --- Alexander 
  • The first person to reach the the South pole --- Amundsen
  • First man to reach the North pole --- Robert Peary
  • The last king of France --- Louis Philipe
  • The First president of the USA --- George Washington
  • The first man to land on the moon --- Neil Armstrong
  • The longest River of the world --- Nile
  • The highest waterfall in the world --- Angel Fall
  • The smallest ocean in the world --- The Arctic ocean
  • The Largest country in terms of area - Russia
  • The longest Railway in the world --- Trans-Siberian railway
  • The tallest Building in the world --- Burj Khalifa
  • The highest peak of the mountains in the world --- Mt. Everest
  • Highest mountain in Africa --- Kilimanjaro
  • The largest Island in the world ---  Greenland
  • The largest salt water lake in the world  --- Caspian Sea
  • The largest delta in the world --- Sunderban
  • Length of Nile river --- 6,650 km
  • The currency of India --- Rupee
  • Where is lake Superior located --- North America
  • What is the currency of Afganistan --- Afghani
  • What is the currency of Albania --- Lek
  • What is the currency of Japan --- Yen
  • What is the currency of Zambia --- Kwacha
  • What is the currency of Vietnam --- Dong
  • What is the currency of U.S.A --- Dollar
  • The strong hard stem of Bamboo --- Cane
  • The first country to Print books --- China
  • The first country to win Football World cup --- Uruguay (1930)
  • The first country to make education compulsory --- Prussia
  • The first women to climb Mt. Everest --- Junko Tabei (Japan)
  • The first man to draw the map of earth --- Anaximander
  • Full form of  3G ---  Third generation
  • Full form of CBI --- Central Bereau of Investigation
  • What is the largest Stadium --- Strahov stadium ,Prague
  • Largest creature in the world --- Blue Whale
  • To which game Aga khan cup associated with --- Hockey (India)
  • To which game Ashes Trophy is associates with --- Cricket(England)
  • Planet having largest no. of Satellites --- Jupiter
  • The brightest star --- Sirius
  • Study of Flower --- Anthology
  • Study of Cells --- Cytology
  • Study of Heart --- Cardiology
  • Who discovered Electron --- J.J Thomson
  • Who discovered Proton --- Rutherford
  • Who discovered Neutron --- James Chadwick
  • Who discovered X rays --- Roentgen
  • First women to win Nobel prize --- Mother Teresa

  • 1. Which disease is known as Christmas disease ?
    Answer: Haemophilia (also known as Bleeder's disease and Royal disease )

    2. The seat of memory in the human brain is located in the _______ ?
    Answer: Cerebrum

    3. Which hormone is known as Emergency Hormone ?
    Answer: Adrenalin

    4. Total number of bones in human body ?
    Answer: 206

    5. Total number of Muscles in human body ?
     Answer: 639

    6. What is the Enzyme present in Saliva ?
    Answer: Ptyalin

    7. Covering of brain is called as __________ ?
    Answer: Meninges

    8.  Covering of Lungs is called as __________ ?
     Answer: Pleura

    9. Covering of Heart is called as __________ ?
    Answer: Pericardium

    10. What is the full form of CAT in CAT scan (CT scan) ?
    Answer: Computer Axial Tomograph

    11. Who prepared the first Cholera vaccine ?
    Answer: Louis Pasteur

    12. Who discovered Rabies vaccine ?
    Answer: Louis Pasteur

     13. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood on the walls of ________ ?
    Answer: arteries

    1. What is the name of the biggest part of the human brain?
    2. The colored part of the human eye that controls how much light passes through the pupil is called the?
    3. What is the name of the substance that gives skin and hair its pigment?
    4. The muscles found in the front of your thighs are known as what?
    5. True or false? The two chambers at the bottom of your heart are called ventricles.
    6. What substance are nails made of?
    7. What is the human body’s biggest organ?
    8. The innermost part of bones contains what?
    9. True or false? An adult human body has over 500 bones.
    10. How many lungs does the human body have?
    11. Another name for your voice box is the?
    12. The two holes in your nose are called?
    13. Your tongue is home to special structures that allow you to experience tastes such as sour, sweet, bitter and salty, what is their name?
    14. The bones that make up your spine are called what?
    15. The shape of DNA is known as?
    16. The flow of blood through your heart and around your body is called?
    17. The bones around your chest that protect organs such as the heart are called what?
    18. What is the name of the long pipe that shifts food from the back of your throat down to your stomach?
    19. True or false? Your ears are important when it comes to staying balanced.
    20. The outside layer of skin on the human body is called the?

    Human Body Quiz Answers

    1. The cerebrum
    2. Iris
    3. Melanin
    4. Quadriceps
    5. True
    6. Keratin
    7. The skin
    8. Bone marrow
    9. False (there are 206)
    10. 2
    11. Larynx
    12. Nostrils
    13. Taste buds
    14. Vertebrae
    15. A double helix
    16. Circulation
    17. Ribs
    18. The esophagus
    19. True
    20. Epidermis

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